Thursday, October 30, 2014

Extra Blog Post: ROP Assignment

Recently, we have begun writing our own scripts in ROP. The link below leads to my script, Perchance To Dream. The script is a brief story about a girl named Noelle whose dreams haunt her. I drew inspiration from an episode of The Twilight Zone--which is one of my favorite shows--though I changed the ending. The episode was about a man who visits a psychiatrist about the dreams he keeps encountering fatal situations in, though I chose another direction to go in. I am also considering combining this script with the film I am working on for my independent component, Girl's Night Out, seeing as they have some similar aspects. I think the combination of the two scripts would work very well. 

Perchance To Dream Script 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog 8: Research & Working EQ

1. Working EQ:
What are the best techniques to create an aesthetically pleasing film?  

2. Possible Answers

  • Choosing the best shots, angles, or focal points.  
  • Utilizing the film's premise/storyline and character's attributes to create a vibrant or memorable color palatte.
3. As of now, the resource that has helped me the most in my attempt to answer my EQ is Filmmaking for Dummies, written by Bryan Michael Stoller. 

4. My mentors are Amanda DiPiazza and Phillip Miller (my ROP teacher). So far, I haven't discussed cinematorgraphy techniques with Amanda. However, with Mr. Miller, I have learned various camera shots and such in ROP.