Thursday, December 4, 2014

Extra Blog Post-Independent Component Change

Seeing as my project Girl's Night Out is stuck in what some in the industry refer to as development limbo and another great project has come to my attention, I have created a bigger, better focus for my Independent Component.

Before you visit your local movie theatre to go see the latest blockbuster, it must undergo five stages--development, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. My plan for this component is to focus on these stages while applying them to projects I've worked on, ones I am currently working on, and other works I have enjoyed.

For development, I will create various outlines and such for projects I have had in mind and consider the development for known works produced by others. For pre-production and production I will focus on the documentary I am working on with Veronica Lopez--mentioned in my previous post-- as well as drawing parallels to other famous works while they underwent these stages. For post-production, I will be editing the documentary, as well as analyzing and drawing parallels to the editing of other known works. Lastly, for distribution, I was considering developing a marketing campaign for the documentary, and analyze campaign strategies from other films.

The goal here is to compare my projects with other well-known works and to combine research with real-world situations.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Extra Blog Post-Fangirl: Rise of An Empire

On Thursday November 20th, four girls bravely joined other countless fans who gathered for the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. One of these girls, myself, filmed portions of the never-ending night, as the footage will become part of a documentary I previously planned with Veronica Lopez during the summer. The documentary, entitled Fangirl: Rise of An Empire follows fangirls, those who tirelessly dedicate their time to their fandoms. The videos below are snippets of what was filmed the night of the premiere and a mere preview of what is to come. 

Disclaimer: This is raw footage, so some things like lighting and volume may be an issue. Please watch at your own discretion. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blog 10: EQ

1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2. Example EQs:

  • a. This EQ could allow research on healthy weight loss and what contributes to it, for the researcher to argue based on what they've researched, and makes sense--Meets Rule of Three
  • b. This EQ allows for research on successful convictions in criminal investigations, it doesn't list prior convictions and facts about them, and makes sense--Meets Rule of Three
  • c. This EQ is a little subjectice--what satisfies one customer may not satisfy another--therefore, arguing would be sort of difficult--Does not Meet Rule of Three
  • d. This EQ allows for research on anesthesiology and chronic pain, arguments on treatments, and make sense--Meets Rule of Three

3. What techniques can be employed to develop, produce, and distribute a film that is either well-written, interesting, visually striking, timeless, or a combination of all these characteristics.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lesson 1 Reflection

1. Postive Statement

I am most proud of the fact that I was able to speak knowledgeably about my topic. I thought anxiety might prevent me from that, though I think I did really well.

2. Questions to Consider

  • Self-Assessment: P
  • I feel as if I reached every major point necessary during my presentation. I also think that I went into detail and clarified just enough so that I may have provided my peers with new insights about film. 
3. What worked for you in your Lesson 1?

I had more than enough information to go over. I planned out my lesson well enough so that if I, for instance, began speaking too fast and had enough time left, that I could go into even more detail about my research, mentorship, or guiding questions for my research. I also practiced enough so that I was comfortable speaking on what I have researched and learned. I brought some nice visuals as well, such as worksheets from ROP, some notes I have taken in the past whilst researching, and a page from a script I read. I feel as if I successfully spoke on everything necessary for the lesson. 

4. (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 1? 

I was a bundle of nerves, much like my other peers today, so I would probably try to calm myself down a little more so I wouldn't speak so fast. There was actually one article I wanted to speak more on, which was about camera techniques. I think it would have added something a little more extra to my presentation. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Extra Blog Post: ROP Assignment

Recently, we have begun writing our own scripts in ROP. The link below leads to my script, Perchance To Dream. The script is a brief story about a girl named Noelle whose dreams haunt her. I drew inspiration from an episode of The Twilight Zone--which is one of my favorite shows--though I changed the ending. The episode was about a man who visits a psychiatrist about the dreams he keeps encountering fatal situations in, though I chose another direction to go in. I am also considering combining this script with the film I am working on for my independent component, Girl's Night Out, seeing as they have some similar aspects. I think the combination of the two scripts would work very well. 

Perchance To Dream Script 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog 8: Research & Working EQ

1. Working EQ:
What are the best techniques to create an aesthetically pleasing film?  

2. Possible Answers

  • Choosing the best shots, angles, or focal points.  
  • Utilizing the film's premise/storyline and character's attributes to create a vibrant or memorable color palatte.
3. As of now, the resource that has helped me the most in my attempt to answer my EQ is Filmmaking for Dummies, written by Bryan Michael Stoller. 

4. My mentors are Amanda DiPiazza and Phillip Miller (my ROP teacher). So far, I haven't discussed cinematorgraphy techniques with Amanda. However, with Mr. Miller, I have learned various camera shots and such in ROP. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Second Day of Mentorship

Friday September 26th, 2014

I observed the filming of the Disney Channel TV show whose run-through I previously observed on Wednesday. I was able to see several scenes. I sat with my mentor and several other producers, taking notes as they watched the filming. There were four cameras focusing on the set and actors from different angles. Behind those were a group of flat screen TVs showing the angles from the cameras so that the producers and director could see clearly. The director was constantly giving instructions to the actors, even as the cameras were rolling. If there was a lack of continuity, or something suddenly just didn't make sense, the producers and directors briefly spoke and decided how to fix the situation, or even how to improve an actor's performance. The amount of takes for each scene depended highly on the director's preference or the actor's performances. There were even some wardrobe malfunctions that had to be quickly corrected because of the Disney's strict guidelines. As I mentioned before, I was an observer for the day. For the most part, I took notes and asked my mentor questions about certain situations regarding the content of the episode or general filming inquiries.

First Day of Mentorship

Wednesday September 24th, 2014:

I observed a run-through of a TV show that has not yet premiered on Disney Channel. Since it has not premiered, I cannot yet reveal its identity. I met my mentor for the first time at Hollywood Center Studios and she briefly explained what I was walking into. Run-throughs are done every Wednesday for the show. The cast rehearses the episode, jumping swiftly from set to set. The sets are often directly across from each other or adjacent to each other. Run-throughs are similar to a rehearsal of a play. The point is for the crew to get an idea of what their episode is going to look like, as well as to notate or address any potential issues regarding the content of the episode. First, however, Amanda took me to the "Rack Check", where I met the wardrobe staff, and the showrunner. The Rack Check's purpose is for producers of the show to work with wardrobe people regarding the clothes/costumes worn on the show. Various potential issues were addressed, then we moved on to the run-through. I shadowed as the entire cast and crew shuffled from set to set, rehearsing each scene. Although it was fast-paced, the group and the run-through itself were rather light-hearted. Since the show was a comedy, there was a lot of laughter, as expected, and much of the crew served as an audience, that way the producers--including Amanda--were able to gauge what reactions to the episode would be like. I took notes for most of the day, and read the script as the cast acted out each scene.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component Approval

1. Over the summer, Isabel Elvira, Veronica Lopez and I planned out a short film titled Girl's Night Out. I will be using the production of this film for my independent component. This will feature the development, pre-production, filming, and post-production of the project. I imagine that producing my own film will provide me with more insights regarding my topic.

2. I will probably take several hours of my time per day to do edits of the script, storyboard scenes, and include time spent shooting the film as evidence. If possible, I may upload stills from shooting to my Senior Project Hours spreadsheet.

3. Since I will be filming my own project, I will get an idea of collaborating on films, and I will also utilize techniques that I have studied so far in my research.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blog 6 - Second Interview Preparation

1. My mentor is Amanda DiPiazza, who works as a producer at Disney/ABC.

2. Questions:
  • Can you describe an average day working at your job? An abnormal day?

  • What about Disney is outstanding compared to other companies?

  •  What shows have you produced? What made each successful or unsuccessful?

  •  What is your favorite work you've produced and why?

  •  Can you describe the process of working up from different levels in the industry?

  •  How does production change from show to show or film to film?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog 5-Mentorship Reflection

1. Mentorship question: Describe your experience in how you found your mentorship?  If you haven't found one yet, describe your experience so far in the search of a mentor.

For the most part, I have been emailing independent production companies, as they are easy to contact and executives within the companies are much more willing to work with me regarding my project. I currently have a couple of prospective mentors, as well as possible interviewees. I have had less difficulty than I did during the summer due to the fact that I am using more websites and resources to find people in the entertainment industry. 
2. Research question: What has been your most important article you have read so far and why?

I have been reading published film scripts, which has been extremely beneficial for my research as well as my own work. As I have written a few scripts myself, I am learning about the amount of detail that goes into screenwriting, which helps me tailor how I write. Because screenwriting involves visual writing as much as it involves a story and dialogue, I have found that it is important to observe other writers' works to determine what techniques I can use in my future screenplays. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Interview 1

I conducted my first interview today. My interviewee was Erika McCarden, a producer who has worked at Disney, ABC, and currently works at OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). She provided me with an abundance of great answers, as well as many sources to read that will help me in my project and beyond. I am happy to report that Erika was able to answer the questions very thoroughly, which led to me asking more questions than the ones listed on the interviewcontract. Even though Erika has worked in TV production, she was still able to speak about the different stages with great detail. Due to this interview, I have found it easier to narrow down specifically what part of production I will be focusing on, as well as what I may want to pursue once I enter the field. All in all, my first interview has been an extremely beneficial experience.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1. Who do you plan to interview? Why? 

I plan on interviewing a producer, Erika McCarden. She has previously worked at ESPN, ABC, Disney and now produces at OWN. I have spoken with her regarding production before and I believe she has some interesting insights to share with me that will provide an abundance of information for my project.

2. You have to ask 5 questions. What additional questions do you plan to ask? 

I will probably ask questions regarding Erika's personal experiences, what sorts of influential occurrences she has encountered while working in the entertainment industry, what outside factors impact her work, and what major and minor changes--if any-- she has noticed in the industry during her time in it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blog 3: Topic Choice & Working EQ

1. Film Production/Development

  • I will be focusing on the artistic side of the development of films, such as writing scripts. 

2. What are the beginning stages of production and development?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Summer Mentorship Component

1. Link to my Mentorship Log:

2. Delta Hospice of California Contact Information:

  • Office #: (909) 597-7666
    • ask for Karla Wicks or Haweni Daba
3. Important Questions Raised:

  • What does Hospice Management entail?
  • Does this include engagement with patients?
  • What sorts of licenses do employees need?
4. Most Important Thing Gained From Experience:
  • I learned that it is imperative to remain organized and on top of things. If I was dealing with files, it was important I knew what information went where or at which office employees worked in. 
5. Senior Project Topic:
  • Although I did work on Hospice Management during the summer, I will be doing Film Production throughout the school year, which was my first choice. Hospice Management did not help me choose this topic, although I have always been interested in the production of films and I am a passionate film buff. I was not able to carry this out, however, because I came across flaky potential mentors. Though, I am confident that the mentors I have spoken to about talking to me through the school year will work out. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

2-Hour Presentations

1.  What presentations did you see?

  • Karate
  • Educational Nonprofit Management
  • Special Education
  • Plant Science
  • Defense Systems Engineering
  • Firefighting
  • Beauty Salon
  • Computer Science
  • Clinical Pharmacy 
  • Hippotherapy
  • Magic The Gathering
  • No Kill Rescue Shelters
  • Information Technology
  • Public Transformation Services
  • Computer Technical Services
  • Structural Engineering 

2.   What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said.  

As of now, I cannot think of any questions that I have about the senior project. 

3. What has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?

Honestly, I think there are several extremely important things that impact one's senior project. The first would be making time, followed by the topic itself, and keeping the audience amused. I found making time important, as it determines one's grade. The topic is also important because it can impact how someone presents. Their presentation could be lighthearted or solemn, free or structured, highly interesting or unbearably dull, etc. I found this was true throughout a large portion of presentations, because some seniors were highly enthused by their topic, while others  appeared to be repulsed. This also ties into keeping the audience interested, because if a presenter seemed to abhor their topic, or was only moderately enthusiastic about it, the presentation became hard to watch. 

4. What topic are you considering doing and why?

Currently, I am considering doing film or TV production for my senior project. Since I was a little girl I have been fascinated by entertainment, and I would love to be a part of what occurs behind the scenes. 

5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?

I have found a mentor who is a producer at ABC and has agreed to show me around sets, interview her, and observe the producing process. I plan to meet with her several times throughout the summer.