I am most proud of the fact that I was able to speak knowledgeably about my topic. I thought anxiety might prevent me from that, though I think I did really well.
2. Questions to Consider
- Self-Assessment: P
- I feel as if I reached every major point necessary during my presentation. I also think that I went into detail and clarified just enough so that I may have provided my peers with new insights about film.
3. What worked for you in your Lesson 1?
I had more than enough information to go over. I planned out my lesson well enough so that if I, for instance, began speaking too fast and had enough time left, that I could go into even more detail about my research, mentorship, or guiding questions for my research. I also practiced enough so that I was comfortable speaking on what I have researched and learned. I brought some nice visuals as well, such as worksheets from ROP, some notes I have taken in the past whilst researching, and a page from a script I read. I feel as if I successfully spoke on everything necessary for the lesson.
4. (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 1?
I was a bundle of nerves, much like my other peers today, so I would probably try to calm myself down a little more so I wouldn't speak so fast. There was actually one article I wanted to speak more on, which was about camera techniques. I think it would have added something a little more extra to my presentation.
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